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Camp Rutledge Repairs Thanks to Friends


Friends is providing $7,000 toward repair and maintenance needs at Hard Labor Creek State Park’s wilderness camp, Camp Rutledge.   Recent years have brought termite damage and other problems to the facilities.  With the help of Friends funding and volunteer efforts, plans include repairing 48 buildings including cottages, a dining hall, and bathhouses.  

Renovations are underway and Friends hopes the restoration will provide a better, safer environment for guests and in turn, encourage use of the facilities.  Camp Rutledge is a rustic camp that has multiple buildings for overnight stays, cooking, meetings and group activities.  The siding and wood on the buildings are rough cut saw mill lumber in order to give the camp characteristics of being in the wilderness.  Unfortunately with the disrepair, the buildings are not being used.  

Now, new transformers are being installed, old wiring has been replaced and great strides in restoring the camp are underway. 

“Camp Rutledge is a secluded, wilderness style camp nearly 3 miles deep in the forest off a gravel road. It’s frequently used by various groups and organizations but the past year we have seen a decrease in use due to its condition,” says Kevin Sentell, local chapter president at Hard Labor Creek State Park.  “It’s our [Friends] goal and the [park] staff’s goal to provide good, quality experiences for park guests.  Renovating the camp will better serve park guests and help the park with their repair needs.” 

A great "thank you" to Kevin and other Friends leaders who have taken the initiative to restore Camp Rutledge.  If you would like to help with this ongoing project, ask how you can become involved or donate to Friends of Hard Labor Creek next time you Hard Labor Creek State Park. Thank you for all of your support!