Fort Yargo State Park got its name from the fort located on the site. Fort Yargo was built, to protect against Creek Indians, in 1793. Today the block house is in great condition and is visited by more than half a million each year. Our living history group takes good care of the building and uses it for demos and events for the public.
The second weekend of each month you will find people in 18th Century garb doing the type of things people did back in the day, like . Special events are also held throughout the year such as and 18th Century market fair, Autumn Nights AKA "a story trail," Dinners in Time, Christmas Feed and the Chinking party.
Chinking is the material used to fill the gaps between the logs. In some modern and restored buildings you will find it in place of real chinking concrete or caulk like material. Both have some problems: concrete will hold water and damage the logs over time, while caulk moves and shrinks with age.
We make real chinking just like it was done in the 18th century. Georgia red clay and straw mixed with water. This needs some repair each year and is hard work. We have learned that children make good workers and do not mind helping at all. Each July we dig a big pit and fill it with Georgia red clay, straw, water and happy, muddy, children. We'd love to have you come out and give us a hand. Everyone will learn a little and have a lot of fun!