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Faces of Friends


Caring for one of Georgia’s largest and most popular state parks is no small task but this hasn’t stopped Gary Holsted! Gary is a Friends volunteer at Cloudland Canyon State Park and has been tirelessly volunteering for the past seven years. As the longest serving Friends of Cloudland Canyon Board member, his service goes beyond meetings and fundraising. Gary has been the lead for the 60 miles of trails in the park and has made the park’s trails his passion. He works regularly to restore, build and maintain the park’s 30 miles of trail.

Friends largest and most successful fundraiser for the year is their Mountain Arts and Crafts Celebration which attracts thousands of park guests, dozens of vendors and armies of volunteers. Gary is one such volunteer leader who works to make this great event such a success!

Currently, Gary is working with several others to create new trail maps and signs at the park. His initiative, knowledge and leadership is an incredible gift to Friends and to the park. Thank you, Gary, for your incredible efforts in making Cloudland Canyon State Park a park of excellence! 

To follow Gary and other Friends of Cloudland Canyon State Park volunteers, visit their Facebook Page or Website.