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Friends of Cloudland Canyon Generate Great Improvements


Friends group volunteers are hard at work at Cloudland Canyon State Park making steady improvements and truly making a difference for their beloved park. In supporting such a large, scenic park, one of the largest tasks is volunteering to properly maintain and create new trails. However, without the necessary tools, their concerted efforts cannot be maximized. By raising funds combined with funds from State Friends, Friends of Cloudland Canyon were able to purchase approximately one thousand dollars in the tools that they needed to better assist their efforts.

They have also made great headway in improving the park's interpretive center. Thousands of raised funds combined with many passionate volunteer hours resulted in new equipment, supplies, and materials needed for the site staff. Among the more significant changes include a new sound system for the center and a portioned interpretive wall.  Through providing new interpretation materials, Friends has transformed the center to a place where families can have an fun, educational, quality experience.

Make sure to visit Cloudland Canyon State Park to see Friends latest successes. Visit them on Facebook by clicking HERE.