Biodiversity and terrific recreational opportunities are enjoyed at Mistletoe State Park in Appling, Georgia. With the park's wide assortment of opportunity along with a dedicated staff and devoted team of Friends volunteers, perhaps it's no surprise that this park welcomes thousands of students every year for educational field trips. During 2014, 45 schools brought a total of over 3,000 students to Mistletoe State Park for programs that correlated with Georgia Performance Standards.
School children have the opportunity to hike the park's nature trails, explore the creeks or discover what lives in Clark's Hill Lake. Students learn more about Georgia's plant and animal life by participating in a Ranger-led program. Students also enjoy the opportunity to visit the nature center with many interactive displays.
For more information about educational opportunities at Mistletoe, Click Here or call the park at 706-541-0321.
Thank you to all the staff and Friends volunteers who have shared in the success of educating our children through hands-on interactive learning! If you would like to make a donation to Friends to help fund efforts like these, Click Here.